(Release Date: March 20, 2017)
Media Question: Unfortunately, I was unable to attend last night's council meeting due to the storm, but I understand you read a prepared statement, and I am hoping you might be able to share that with me for the Hometown News?
Media Question: Unfortunately, I was unable to attend last night's council meeting due to the storm, but I understand you read a prepared statement, and I am hoping you might be able to share that with me for the Hometown News?
Mayor’s Response: As mayor of Carleton Place, it is my opinion that Council’s decision to approve Councillor Doucett’s motion authorizing the Deputy Mayor to act as the spokesperson for council on matters dealing with the media, is a poorly thought out motion. Although it states that this motion in no way prevents any member of council from speaking to the media at any time, I believe this motion is too vague and leaves the door open for far too many interpretations.
The real down side of this motion, besides the potential mix messaging coming from council and the potential confusion in our community on important issues, is the precedent it sets across the province within the other 444 municipalities.
The number of interpretations of this motion among the different councils across the province will cause tremendous turmoil, which in turn will cause a direct and indirect burden on the taxpayers of Ontario. The political ramifications are endless, from misunderstandings on councils, to misunderstandings in communities, to the misuse of this kind of motion for political gain or intentional political disruption.
I sincerely hope that the Province, The Ministry of Municipal Affairs, and the AMO can work together and figure this one out before this kind of motion gains legs, and replicates across Ontario.
Media Question: On a related note, it is no mystery that there is tremendous tension on Council. Has there been an attempt to bring in a mediator to address the root of the conflict? If not, do you see this a possible move going forward?
Mayor’s Response: Over the last number of years, mediation has been accepted at the municipal government level, but in this case, I believe there are a number of council members with their own personal and political agendas that they will pursue at any cost, even if it means damaging our community. Look at the facts.
Our community has never been so successful in such a short period of time, from provincial grant money to hospital funding, to new housing developments, new affordable senior housing, and a record number of new businesses coming to Carleton Place.
Right now, we have six members of council who have chosen to shut the public out of meetings by not supporting video streaming council proceedings to the community, censoring public statements from public meeting minutes, making questionable motions to control the media, and outright attacking my office with misinformation.
No, the answer is not mediation, the answer is accountability, responsibility and transparency in serving the constituents of our community.
Media Question: When the clerk checked the Municipal Act, he stated that the motion would not violate the Act because nothing specific is spelled out within it regarding such a transfer of the role of speaking on behalf of council. While I appreciate your statement that this could be interpreted as violating the Municipal Act, I am wondering how, exactly, it would do that if there is no specific guidance in the Act regarding this type of issue?
Mayor’s Response: I'm afraid you misunderstood the Town Clerk. After he read out only part of the Act, he stated he was not providing a legal interpretation. And neither am I. The rules we follow are not that simple and even the experts don't always agree. My point is that when a Council goes against tradition, then the Municipal Act can become complicated, especially when you have to also take into consideration our Code of Conduct before ruling on any issue or concern.
Media Question: My understanding of the motion is that while any councillor can speak as an individual to the media, the only person authorized by this motion to speak on behalf of council is the deputy mayor. You seem to imply that all seven councillors could take on the role even though only one of them, the Deputy Mayor, has been thusly authorized by the motion. Why do you think councillors who to this point have not spoken on behalf of Council (other than the Deputy Mayor in the example you cited) will start stepping up to that role when they only authorized the Deputy Mayor?
Mayor’s Response: The Deputy Mayor was authorized by Council (I abstained from voting on this motion) to speak on their behalf when dealing with the media. There was no details of any kind provided in explaining the depth of this motion. And without clarity, there will inevitably be confusion.
Media Question: Can you provide a couple of variations of which you are aware where this has been an issue?
Mayor’s Response: This is a fairly wide open question so I will let you do your own research and decide which ones you like. There was a municipal lawyer on the Bill Carroll radio show recently who mentioned several examples while he was discussing Councillor Fritz's conflict of interest concerns and the motion in question.
Media Question: What do you mean by "far too many interpretations?" Does that imply the motion could extend to decision-making powers beyond the scope of the motion about speaking to the media on behalf of Council? If so, what would those be?
Mayor’s Response: It means that the motion could also be interpreted as non-compliant or not valid in regards to the Municipal Act.
Media Question: In terms of turmoil, how would you see this playing out in a hypothetical situation, and how would that impact taxpayers?
Mayor’s Response: When there is more than one spokesperson for any organization (or Municipality), then the messaging can get confusing. And in the case of this motion, no one on Council is restricted from speaking to the media with any kind of discussion or central messaging beforehand. Therefore, there could easily be as many as seven different voices with conflicting messaging regarding the same issue. Depending on the medium or how an issue is now going to be reported, the community may not be able to clarify or understand the message or meaning of what is being said by the Corporation/Municipality new media spokesperson.
Media Question: In terms of examples from Carleton Place, how would you explain how misunderstandings would arise when it comes to who is speaking on behalf of the Council to the media? For example, if you were away and unable to respond to questions, say, about today's snowstorm, would not the Deputy Mayor be assumed to fill in that role in your absence?
Mayor’s Response: Simple obvious situations, like your example, would probably not be misunderstood by the community in general. But, many people in the community choose who they want to listen to for a reason. The same way some choose to vote for one person over another to become Mayor. Some people require clarity, while others require detail, and even others require both. Depending on where the information is coming from, or from whom the information is coming from, or the level of understanding an individual spokesperson has regarding an issue, may require a number of clarifications on public statements, which may in turn cause timely information to become only legacy information. Traditionally, each council member, including myself, has certain skills that apply to the positions each respective council member holds. We each sit on different committees and have different understandings and detail regarding those committees. My job as Mayor, has been to understand each and every committee, and all the details. If the motion stands as is, this now will be an added responsibility of the Deputy Mayor when dealing with the media."
Media Question: You reference three provincial bodies below. Have you approached them about your concerns and do they normally intervene in a situation like this at the municipal level?
Mayor’s Response: At this time, I don't believe it's required to contact these provincial bodies. Although, I am sure they will become aware of what has transpired here in Carleton Place through the media, very soon.
Media Question: Are you aware of similar motions being passed in other municipalities? If not, why do you think this might become an issue that gains legs?
Mayor’s Response: There are many variations that have been spelled out in more detailed motions for specific events or specific situations but to the best of my knowledge, this motion is unique and in my opinion, questionable."
Media Question: Did any councillors respond to your statement last night?
Mayor’s Response: No council member responded to my statement.
Contact Information:
Phone: 613-257-6206
Email: lantonakos@carletonplace.ca
Email: lantonakos@carletonplace.ca
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