Louis Antonakos·November 29, 2017
I am, and I’m certain our residents are getting tired of these constant obstructions which continually block relevant information from being disseminated out into the community. This continual use of “closed meetings” and sanitation of public information is counterproductive towards advancing the public trust and the agenda that all of us promoted leading up to the last election. How this serves our constituents or even our oath of office is becoming a growing concern for myself and many members of the community. I am asking that any and all documents regarding complaints from Mr. Thorbjornsson, and his witness, Mr. Dulmage, and you Deputy Mayor Flynn, as Mr. Thorbjornsson’s confidential witness, be released to the public, including the confidential dismissal of the previous complaint made against myself by Mr. Thorbjornsson.
This Council is well aware of the colossal errors in process, and yet are determined to keep these errors from the community in order to protect yourselves for political purposes instead of doing the right thing which is to protect the interests of the Municipality and the community first.
Each one of you are somehow involved one way or another in twisting the Municipal Act to conceal information not only from me so that I cannot exercise my rights as Mayor to due process, but also in disrespect to each and every resident of this community. Put your words into action. If it's accountability and transparency that you seek, then let’s have an open and honest discussion so that we can move on and do what we were elected to do by serving our residents and advancing our Municipality's interests by further improving our recreational infrastructure, help those who are less fortunate and advance the case to build more affordable housing. Let’s allow all the documents and the process to be open and transparent to the public so we can move forward. Our residents deserve better from all of us.
Now the facts:
This complaint, the one by Mr. Thorbjornsson has already been dealt with by the Integrity Commissioner. This fact has been reported on and published in the newspaper.
Your persistent interest in rehashing or wasting Town resources regarding this developer is highly suspect, especially by you, Deputy Mayor Flynn.
And for your information, at no point has the Integrity Commissioner informed me of this complaint or his reported dismissal, as reported in the local newspaper.
Once again, as soon as I was informed of this rehashed complaint by Clerk Duncan Rogers, I called Mr. Balu Kuriya to discuss this complaint which was on October 16, 2017. I initially explained the complaint over the phone to Mr. Kuriya and the first words out of his mouth in response were: "B*ll Sh*t". He went on to express his concerns regarding Mr. Thorbjornsson, and his words were harsh to say the least about his dealings with Mr. Thorbjornsson.
Mr. Kuriya then stated he would testify against Mr. Thorbjornsson's accusations in any proceeding, if necessary. Mr Kuriya also made reference to Mr. Dulmage, and Deputy Mayor Flynn who had requested to be a CONFIDENTIAL witness for Mr. Thorbjornsson. These connections by the Deputy Mayor with Mr. Thorbjornsson are not going unnoticed.
Why would the Deputy Mayor ask that his testimony or evidence against me in a complaint by Mr. Thorbjornsson be kept confidential, testimony and evidence I have never seen or been privileged to address properly. These three individuals, Mr. Thorbjornsson, Mr. Dulmage, and Deputy Mayor Flynn are individuals who I have to deal with or work with as Mayor of Carleton Place. It is not something I enjoy doing, but I do it because that is part of my role, to protect the health and safety of the community and to help conduct the business of the Municipality. Seeing everyone in this room now and knowing what some of you do after our meetings, especially Deputy Mayor Flynn, is without question, the most disgusting and unprofessional behavior I have witnessed in all of my years on Council.
And just to let you how I viewed this aggressive act and baseless complaint against the office I hold as Mayor, and against myself personally, after the phone call with Mr. Kryria, I immediately went down stairs and informed the Deputy CAO and the Town Clerk of the essence of the call regarding the complaint in detail. There appeared to be little interest by the executive staff members in the content of the phone conversation, so I arranged a follow up meeting with Mr. Kuriya and asked that a staff member join us as a credible witness.
On October 17, 2017, Mr. Kuriya, a staff member, and myself, privately met, viewed, and discussed the complaint made against myself by Mr. Thorbjornsson.
The results were more explicit in person than during the phone conversation. Mr. Kuriya completely refuted the complaint by Mr. Thorbjornsson and offered to testify, if required.
Mr. Kuriya went on to state that he didn't know anything about the complaint until I called him on October 16, 2017 and that he was very frustrated with having to deal Mr. Thorbjornsson regarding doing business, so much so, that he was thinking about other communities in which to locate his business. He also mentioned his level of frustration in having to deal with Mr. Thorbjornsson was so high that he eventually had to bypass Mr. Thorbjornsson during negotiations for the building he was trying to lease and went directly to the owner of the building, Mr. Weinstein, in order to close a deal on leasing the building. Mr. Kuriya continued on and stated that Mr. Thorbjornsson was not an honourable person. The meeting ended amicably and I proceeded to ask the staff member in attendance to take some time and document what was said during the meeting with Mr. Kuriya.
As reported in the Newspaper, the complaint against myself by Mr. Thorbjornsson was “dismissed” - just like each and every other complaint made against myself has been dismissed, although the press insistently reports the opposite mainly because they are supposedly not informed with the additional confidential communications between myself, Council, or the Integrity Commissioner. This complaint, and every other complaint against me has been dismissed, that is a fact. So I have to ask, is the Deputy Mayor driven to pursue any means possible to destroy this Council and the Community he serves by continually conspiring with his close personal friend Mr. Thorbjornsson, former Mayor Dulmage, and the local newspaper reporter, even covertly participating as a confidential witness against me, knowing full well Mr. Thorbjornsson has assaulted a peace officer and broken many of our building codes and regulations for years, causing the Municipality to waste time, resources and taxpayers money.
Confidential witness! Assaulting a peace officer! Deputy Mayor Flynn, your insistence regarding this matter once again demonstrates not only how closely you are aligned with Mr. Thorbjornsson but also how distant you are from fulfilling your role and obligations as Deputy Mayor for our community.
I’m asking you now to stop this nonsense and get on with the job you were elected to do. All of us here have advanced many serious issues and faced many challenges as a Council over the last three years. I am asking you Deputy Mayor Flynn once again, to put aside your special interests and favoritism, and respect the oath of office you agreed to when you were elected. Deputy Mayor Flynn, do your job and let me do mine.
And for the rest of Council, especially those of you who are determined to mislead this community with your grandstanding and outlandish scripted public statements that totally disrespect procedure, myself as Mayor, and the community you serve; stop these senseless antics and actions now, before you waste any more time or taxpayers money.
Mayor Answers Media Questions
Louis Antonakos·March 15, 2017
Media Question: Unfortunately, I was unable to attend last night's council meeting due to the storm, but I understand you read a prepared statement, and I am hoping you might be able to share that with me for the Hometown News?
Louis Antonakos·March 15, 2017
Media Question: Unfortunately, I was unable to attend last night's council meeting due to the storm, but I understand you read a prepared statement, and I am hoping you might be able to share that with me for the Hometown News?
Mayor’s Response: As mayor of Carleton Place, it is my opinion that Council’s decision to approve Councillor Doucett’s motion authorizing the Deputy Mayor to act as the spokesperson for council on matters dealing with the media, is a poorly thought out motion. Although it states that this motion in no way prevents any member of council from speaking to the media at any time, I believe this motion is too vague and leaves the door open for far too many interpretations.
The real down side of this motion, besides the potential mix messaging coming from council and the potential confusion in our community on important issues, is the precedent it sets across the province within the other 444 municipalities.
The number of interpretations of this motion among the different councils across the province will cause tremendous turmoil, which in turn will cause a direct and indirect burden on the taxpayers of Ontario. The political ramifications are endless, from misunderstandings on councils, to misunderstandings in communities, to the misuse of this kind of motion for political gain or intentional political disruption.
I sincerely hope that the Province, The Ministry of Municipal Affairs, and the AMO can work together and figure this one out before this kind of motion gains legs, and replicates across Ontario.
Media Question: On a related note, it is no mystery that there is tremendous tension on Council. Has there been an attempt to bring in a mediator to address the root of the conflict? If not, do you see this a possible move going forward?
Mayor’s Response: Over the last number of years, mediation has been accepted at the municipal government level, but in this case, I believe there are a number of council members with their own personal and political agendas that they will pursue at any cost, even if it means damaging our community. Look at the facts.
Our community has never been so successful in such a short period of time, from provincial grant money to hospital funding, to new housing developments, new affordable senior housing, and a record number of new businesses coming to Carleton Place.
Right now, we have six members of council who have chosen to shut the public out of meetings by not supporting video streaming council proceedings to the community, censoring public statements from public meeting minutes, making questionable motions to control the media, and outright attacking my office with misinformation.
No, the answer is not mediation, the answer is accountability, responsibility and transparency in serving the constituents of our community.
Media Question: When the clerk checked the Municipal Act, he stated that the motion would not violate the Act because nothing specific is spelled out within it regarding such a transfer of the role of speaking on behalf of council. While I appreciate your statement that this could be interpreted as violating the Municipal Act, I am wondering how, exactly, it would do that if there is no specific guidance in the Act regarding this type of issue?
Mayor’s Response: I'm afraid you misunderstood the Town Clerk. After he read out only part of the Act, he stated he was not providing a legal interpretation. And neither am I. The rules we follow are not that simple and even the experts don't always agree. My point is that when a Council goes against tradition, then the Municipal Act can become complicated, especially when you have to also take into consideration our Code of Conduct before ruling on any issue or concern.
Media Question: My understanding of the motion is that while any councillor can speak as an individual to the media, the only person authorized by this motion to speak on behalf of council is the deputy mayor. You seem to imply that all seven councillors could take on the role even though only one of them, the Deputy Mayor, has been thusly authorized by the motion. Why do you think councillors who to this point have not spoken on behalf of Council (other than the Deputy Mayor in the example you cited) will start stepping up to that role when they only authorized the Deputy Mayor?
Mayor’s Response: The Deputy Mayor was authorized by Council (I abstained from voting on this motion) to speak on their behalf when dealing with the media. There was no details of any kind provided in explaining the depth of this motion. And without clarity, there will inevitably be confusion.
Media Question: Can you provide a couple of variations of which you are aware where this has been an issue?
Mayor’s Response: This is a fairly wide open question so I will let you do your own research and decide which ones you like. There was a municipal lawyer on the Bill Carroll radio show recently who mentioned several examples while he was discussing Councillor Fritz's conflict of interest concerns and the motion in question.
Media Question: What do you mean by "far too many interpretations?" Does that imply the motion could extend to decision-making powers beyond the scope of the motion about speaking to the media on behalf of Council? If so, what would those be?
Mayor’s Response: It means that the motion could also be interpreted as non-compliant or not valid in regards to the Municipal Act.
Media Question: In terms of turmoil, how would you see this playing out in a hypothetical situation, and how would that impact taxpayers?
Mayor’s Response: When there is more than one spokesperson for any organization (or Municipality), then the messaging can get confusing. And in the case of this motion, no one on Council is restricted from speaking to the media with any kind of discussion or central messaging beforehand. Therefore, there could easily be as many as seven different voices with conflicting messaging regarding the same issue. Depending on the medium or how an issue is now going to be reported, the community may not be able to clarify or understand the message or meaning of what is being said by the Corporation/Municipality new media spokesperson.
Media Question: In terms of examples from Carleton Place, how would you explain how misunderstandings would arise when it comes to who is speaking on behalf of the Council to the media? For example, if you were away and unable to respond to questions, say, about today's snowstorm, would not the Deputy Mayor be assumed to fill in that role in your absence?
Mayor’s Response: Simple obvious situations, like your example, would probably not be misunderstood by the community in general. But, many people in the community choose who they want to listen to for a reason. The same way some choose to vote for one person over another to become Mayor. Some people require clarity, while others require detail, and even others require both. Depending on where the information is coming from, or from whom the information is coming from, or the level of understanding an individual spokesperson has regarding an issue, may require a number of clarifications on public statements, which may in turn cause timely information to become only legacy information. Traditionally, each council member, including myself, has certain skills that apply to the positions each respective council member holds. We each sit on different committees and have different understandings and detail regarding those committees. My job as Mayor, has been to understand each and every committee, and all the details. If the motion stands as is, this now will be an added responsibility of the Deputy Mayor when dealing with the media."
Media Question: You reference three provincial bodies below. Have you approached them about your concerns and do they normally intervene in a situation like this at the municipal level?
Mayor’s Response: At this time, I don't believe it's required to contact these provincial bodies. Although, I am sure they will become aware of what has transpired here in Carleton Place through the media, very soon.
Media Question: Are you aware of similar motions being passed in other municipalities? If not, why do you think this might become an issue that gains legs?
Mayor’s Response: There are many variations that have been spelled out in more detailed motions for specific events or specific situations but to the best of my knowledge, this motion is unique and in my opinion, questionable."
Media Question: Did any councillors respond to your statement last night?
Mayor’s Response: No council member responded to my statement.
Carleton Place Mayor Addresses Council & Media Concerns
Louis Antonakos·March 8, 2017
(CP Planning and Protection Committee Meeting - March 7, 2017)
Carleton Place Mayor Addresses Council & Media Concerns
Louis Antonakos·March 8, 2017
(CP Planning and Protection Committee Meeting - March 7, 2017)
Received from Councillor Brian Doucett
Addressed to Planning and Protection
Topic: Media Relations
SUMMARY: After repeated requests by various members of Council, the Mayor continues to refuse to respond to the media about important issues facing the community. Council needs to resolve this issue in the interests of the community we serve so that important information reaches them.
Mayor Antonakos Statement:
I have two statements to make this evening regarding this agenda item. To ensure there are no misunderstandings regarding either of my statements, I will be providing written copies of both statements to the media at the end of this meeting. I will also be posting these statements on social media.
Statement # 1
Councillor Doucett,
On Wednesday, March 1, 2017 you sent an email to our CAO, Paul Knowles, giving him a heads-up in writing regarding this agenda item for tonight’s meeting. And in that email you made the following statement:
“After much discussion the majority of councillors asked me to put this on Tuesday agenda. Sean as chair agreed. This is a purely political issue involving council only and does not involve operations. The majority believes it has to be addressed. It has been given to Joanna to put on the agenda. The item does not qualify for in-camera.”
I would like to clearly state for the record this evening that this email, and its contents, from you Councillor Doucett to our CAO, contravenes the Municipal Act when a quorum of Councillors discussed, coordinated and agreed upon your intentions regarding this item on the agenda for this evening’s meeting. I will decide how this will be handled at a later date.
Statement # 2
Councillor Doucett,
You have directed an accusation towards me through this agenda item and I would respectfully ask you to provide some written proof or any example of where I have willfully refused or ignored the media.
I would also like to know who else on this Council is accusing me of not responding to the media. Otherwise, you are asking me to respond to unidentified individuals and hearsay based on your statement, and I quote:
“After repeated requests by various members of Council, the Mayor continues to refuse to respond to the media about important issues facing the community.”
I will now address your concern with honesty and clarity but it is only reasonable that we know who you are referring to when you say “various” members of Council. As a result of your email, the following questions come to mind:
· Why are these Council members not sending their concerns to me directly?
· When did these Councillors make these statements?
· How were these statement made to you?
· Was there a secret meeting (s) held without including myself, as Mayor?
· Are you now officially speaking on behalf of Council through this agenda item?
· Why was I not included in any of these discussions or on any related distribution list, prior to this item appearing on this agenda?
· Would it not have made sense to conduct this discussion in a more responsible manner so that Council could at least minimize any unnecessary negative publicity or damage towards our municipality?
I would also like to confirm to you here tonight, that the Deputy Mayor, despite his unauthorized public comments and statements to a national newspaper on behalf of Council, is not the official spokesperson for this Council. The Deputy Mayor never notified me that he was making any press statement on behalf of Council regarding our community, or that he had any concerns, in writing or verbally, about my official duties or responsibilities regarding the media.
Is it not our duty as Council members to communicate with each other and resolve any issues rather than running to a national newspaper and making vague platitudes and erroneous statements like the Deputy Mayor has recently done?
I’ll have more to say on this matter regarding the Deputy Mayor later on in my statement.
Councillor Trimble has never mentioned he had any concerns regarding my relationship with the media. Who have you been talking to Councillor Doucett?
Where is your proof that I’ve ignored anyone?
It is my job and my job alone, to speak on behalf of Council.
Recently, the Deputy Mayor, through his public statements to a reporter from the Ottawa Sun and Citizen, has decided on his own, that he is now speaking on behalf of Council.
Councillor Doucett, where are your concerns stated with regards to the Deputy Mayor’s actions, actions that circumvent the responsibilities of my office as Mayor, and the Council you sit on as a Councillor? Where are your concerns stated in regards to the process we rule by, and for holding each and every member of this Council accountable for their public statements? Was there any careful thought exercised or any attempt to use our trusted staff to assist us in resolving the concerns that you have raised tonight?
How about this statement in the newspaper by the Deputy Mayor: “I feel, as deputy mayor, I have an obligation to speak on behalf of a council who is suffering tremendously from the same threats, bullying, intimidation and total lack of respect that many other people are, including the subjects of (Antonakos') personal vendettas that he has been carrying out since he first sat in the mayor's chair,” Flynn said.
All of us gather here regularly as a group with our staff. Is there any member of staff that you know of who could validate the Deputy Mayor’s comments?
It sounds to me that you, are asking me on behalf of the Municipality, to publicly comment on defamatory, denigrating, and unauthorized statements made to the newspaper by the Deputy Mayor.
It sounds to me that you are asking me to comment on malicious, abusive and insulting allegations made against myself, and Town staff, by the Deputy Mayor and a disgruntled developer.
It sounds to me that you are asking me, to recklessly make public statements on information and items that were and still are fallacious or subject to due process and the well-established principles of our code of conduct, the code of conduct that all of us on Council signed off on when we took our oath of office.
Should we not follow our own rules about how we conduct the Town’s business?
I think we should!
Are you asking me to make public statements about legal matters that you have been privy to, which would not only be against staffs advice, but also against any sound legal advice, including our code of conduct and the Municipal Act?
Our Municipality under the previous Mayor, was under attack by a developer, the same disgruntled developer who to this very day, continues to attack myself, this Council and our Municipality. This is a man who on numerous occasions, violated the Towns planning department application process, the building department application process, the Planning Act, Building Code Act and various other violations that I am not legally permitted to discuss, as these are in-camera items, which are Council and Staff confidential. This same disgruntled developer who has been continuously attacking our Municipality for years, even attacked our Municipality as Vice Chair of an organization that was and still is in partnership with the Town of Carleton Place on many different levels.
Councillor Doucett, would you like to make a motion to release the in-camera information about this individual so that we can then discuss these issues with the media without violating the oath of office that we took 27 months ago? I’d welcome that! Perhaps then we can speak to the media and provide our residents with facts about some of the disrespectful conduct and actions of this particular individual. Or, would you like to make comments on behalf of this Council regarding this individual, tonight, while we await the investigator’s report on his questionable complaint against myself, the sitting Mayor of Carleton Place?
As Mayor, I have every confidence in the Integrity Commissioner and I am certain that this latest publicity stunt by this disgruntled developer, will be dismissed, the same way that Councillor Black’s complaint against me was dismissed. I’d like to repeat this. The Complaint by Councillor Black against me was dismissed by the Integrity Commissioner one year ago, contrary to what has been suspiciously inferred by the media recently.
I would also like to state that this disgruntled developer who has made this contentious complaint against me has a record of assaulting a Peace Officer, a dedicated member of our staff, and senior member of our management team.
Regarding the nature of your statement in this agenda item, I’d like to say this to you Councillor Doucett, and to all members of Council, and to the residents of our community who are sitting here tonight:
I have always made myself available to the media to promote our Municipality, our residents, and Town business’, to provide any and all necessary information that assists in advancing our collective vision for Carleton Place.
Sadly, after reading the recent media coverage and statements by our Deputy Mayor, I feel violated and disrespected for my ten plus years of service to the community that I love and respect.
In regard to our local EMC reporter, I have communicated directly with Ms. Gesner almost every week, on a regular basis, using various mediums, including here before all Council members and through text messaging, email, written correspondence, information handouts, phone, and indirect channels through her supervisor, and through our staff, since the first day I took office as Mayor of this community.
With respect to other media outlets, I have participated in radio interviews on Lake 88, the most recent one being “In Focus” which was a year-end review and questions about the progress of our community, and I have routinely answered questions directly or remotely from the radio station reporter.
I have also communicated directly and indirectly with the community through social media regarding any and all important or relevant community information, updates and services, including my own personal Facebook page. I have also written many official letters representing our Municipality since becoming Mayor.
I have prepared and participated in national news programs directly on behalf of our community, promoting our Municipality through the CBC, CTV and CJOH and at Queens Park. All without any indication of concern, written or verbal, by any member of this Council or the public.
But I have to say, that one of the latest questionable articles by the EMC reporter has caused me deep concern for our Municipality, particularly with respect to an honourable and recently deceased member of our community.
As Mayor of Carleton Place, back in June - 2015, it was my privilege to have presented and honoured Denzil Baird for his lifetime community achievements and commemoration of his 90thbirthday with a plaque. Denzil and I shared a beautiful moment that evening and I will never forget it.
How our local reporter and newspaper could take this individual’s memory and that wonderful moment, and use it as a negative story line about how I ignored this man and the media, is not only disturbing, but disheartening to me as a person, and as the Mayor of Carleton Place.
Regarding the EMC reporter - Ms. Gesner, I have never intentionally ignored you. If I am available to take your call or message, and if I am in a position to properly comment without compromising my oath of office or code of conduct, I have, and I will continue to communicate with you, or anyone in our community regarding municipal matters.
What concerns me most right now regarding Council, is that this agenda item and discussion is taking place without any background material or valid references to inform Council or the residents of our community in regards to what this is really about or how to begin to solve a problem that appears to have been fabricated in the newspapers.
The issues that really appear at the forefront of this agenda item tonight, is the number of erroneous and unsubstantiated claims by the Deputy Mayor, two reporters and a disgruntled developer.
Will members of this Council here tonight, now seriously commit to the well-established processes we currently have in place with our Municipality to handle and discuss important issues and concerns, instead of bypassing our policies and procedures in dealing with Town and Council issues, concerns and business?
I would also ask all of you who have a seat at this Council, and the local press, to seriously consider the damage that has been done to the image and long term marketability of our community through these questionable acts and flawed newspaper articles.
I am asking now that this Council, together, move forward and serve the residents of our community in a way that demonstrates respect and cooperation. If you have something to say, then it should be said properly, through proper channels, with supporting background information or materials, in order to give ‘anyone in question’ or everyone in question, a chance to respond and work towards finding a viable solution to whatever problem is presented.
I would like to end my statement on a more positive note, regarding two items.
First, I would like to state some of the highlights and successes this Council and our staff have had in the past year that will be mentioned in the upcoming Progress Report publication. And second, I would also like to make a motion.
Some of the highlights that will be in the soon to be published Progress Report in the EMC are as follows:
· A preliminary “Communications Guide and Basic Plan” have been recently delivered to Council, the Business Improvement Association (DCP) and the Chamber of Commerce for review and discussion.
· Two subdivision agreements were signed and development has started, one being 22 units along King Street for Brigil Homes and the other signing of the Jackson Ridge Subdivision for 134 units.
· Both Miller’s Crossing Subdivision, by Cardel and Meadow Ridge Estates by Olympia/Pegasus Homes have been issued conditional permits for model homes. The number of units added to the Town of Carleton Place inventory will be 724 once complete.
· Because of initiatives implemented by Council; such as the waiving of development fees within the Downtown Core, the Town has added 6 new apartments to the area which increases our rental units. Four secondary suites have been constructed due to changes to the Provincial Policy Statement allowing secondary suites as-of-right. Both the apartments and secondary suites will help to add affordable housing to the area. Secondary suites will also enable multi-generational families to live together and provide for one another.
· The Town continues with intensification in line with the Provincial Policy Statement and has added an additional 12 new residential lots within the Town boundary, a good portion of these within the Mississippi District Residential area (old town).
· JL Couroux School has made application and is constructing a large addition to their school to add a class room for daycare. They have also done internal renovations to improve barrier free accessibility.
· St. Mary’s Catholic school has also done upgrades including the reconstruction of their ramp to allow for barrier free access. The hospital has also upgraded a shower room to make it barrier free.
· The municipality welcomes a new McDonald’s restaurant to the Town of Carleton Place. McDonald’s opened their doors in November, began hiring, increasing jobs within our community. Next door to the McDonald’s, the Thruway restaurant has added an addition to their building for a kitchen and storage space.
· Roy Brown Park is also under development due to the Town receiving a generous Canada 150 Grant from the Province of Ontario as well as through negotiations with Cavanaugh Construction relating to the development of a water feature within the Roy Brown Park. A network of pathways have already been constructed. This summer will bring further development of trail linkages between Roy Brown Park, Riverside Park and a proposed adjoining development. These trails and many others, including the Lanark County Rail Trail, are currently under review by various departments as well as the Town’s Active Transportation Committee.
· The Town has listed some of its own properties for sale and has recently sold lands on Bridge Street, development of which has started for the creation of two townhouse blocks with a total of 8 units. Further purchase and sale agreements of other Town owned lands are in the works for 2017.
· Both the Carleton Place Town Hall and Arena will be getting upgrades. 2016 saw intensive masonry restoration on the side of the Town Hall facing onto Mill Street. Planning is well underway for the expansion of the arena to allow for dressing rooms with design and construction to begin in 2017.
· Further, a portion of the Lanark County Rail Trail that goes by the Woolgrowers property is being designed as parkland and community space.
· Several construction projects are now underway at the Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital. They include a new roof with increased energy efficiency, a new boiler and various plant upgrades. In all, just over $1 million in renovations are underway, thanks to special funding from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
· In addition to the above work, there will be a new 9000 square foot emergency room addition to our hospital. The estimated cost of the new addition once completed will be approximately $10 million with $8.75 million coming from the province. Construction is expected to begin in 2019.
· There have been a record number of new businesses in Carleton Place, including: McDonald’s, Black Tartan Kitchen; Brown & MacFarlane Glass; Carousel Kids Consignment; Chesswood; Giardino Lifestyle Salon and Academy; Sargent Fire & Security; Haley Rehab; Ink & Iron Tattoo Co.; Renewed With Love Bridal Outlet; Rhonda’s Kitchen; The Twisted Barber; and Under Pressure Coffee House, French Press Café and Et Cetera Home.
· I would also like to state that I have been working closely with the planning department on an “affordable housing project” that 'should' be finalized within the next 30 days. This project will have a full build out value in excess of $2 million dollars.
And now my motion.
In the best interest of accountability and transparency, I once again ask members of this Council to support the motion that I previously made seven months ago, to video-stream all public proceedings in this Chamber so that the Town’s business is open and accessible to each and every resident of our community.
This motion, and approval of video-streaming, will complement and enhance the efforts and actions that are already taking place in regards to the ongoing work we have been doing with the key stakeholders in our community in developing a formal Communications Guide for our Municipality.
Councillor Black, will you second this motion?
Contact Information:
Phone: 613-257-6206
Email: lantonakos@carletonplace.ca
Email: lantonakos@carletonplace.ca
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